Saturday 19 May 2007

Shun Qi Zi Ran

While I was searching for the meaning of “Shun Qi Zi Ran” aka “Sun Kei Chi Yin” I came across a thread of somewhat similar situation and description~

“Btw... what the heck is 'Shun Qi Zi Ran'? Pork Chop (G – Par Fan) rice ah? “

What does it means? Since my Chinese understanding is poor and crude, I think it means something like this “leaves everything to God, or just let it occur automatically or let things happen naturally” Under what circumstances shall this phrase be applied and what condition should decisions, duration and measures be made upon?

It's believed that the person who said and wrote it must have meant well but *what the heck! I think it is such an oxymoron phrase and remark. It sounds like a wonderfully phrased blunt rejection! Oh wait~ maybe it's an indirect rejection also, or maybe that person wish to be pursued more aggressively?

Off with lies and facade of coquettishness, I have enough and kept my silence. Anyway I've found a direct counter “Wan Yat , Bat Yue Zhong Yat” it roughly means “instead of any day , why not make a specific day” Wouldn't things be easier if we can ; Put time! Put Place! Put Day! Put Duration! To everything we do. Sigh.. enough of my ranting for today.. (>.+)!

Oh! I just remember.. "Que Sera Sera" also means "Shun Qi Zi Ran" in a way..

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