Thursday 26 June 2008

Thorns of beauty.

Of late I been walking around a lot.. almost each day I would bypass a beautiful garden. Within the garden lies a stalk of rose. It was the pride of the garden to have the rose. The rose being unique as it the only one surrounded by other equally beautiful plants.

Being me, I wouldn’t care much of the rose normally but would gaze upon the garden as whole enjoying each moment I passesby. But as each day passes suddenly dawned upon me that am I merely admiring the garden or the stalk of rose that is the center piece attraction?

On some days I would just love to approach the rose and plucked it off the stem and on other days I would be content by just looking at the rose within it surroundings. Would it be right to say that I’m looking at the garden by not observing the rose?

Safe to say perhaps that all things that the eye sees the heart will eventually yearn for all creation have the alluring factor.

How weird it must be..

SOAD - Chop Suey!

Monday 23 June 2008

A Place For Each of Us

"Faith is the bird that,
Feels the light and sings,
When the dawn is still dark.

I slept and dreamt,
That life was joy.
I woke and saw,
That life was duty,
I acted, and behold!
Duty was joy."

A Day in Life - The Beatles(Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band)

Sunday 22 June 2008

A Letter to God

Dear God.. *who ever you may possibly be* It's me again. Well I still haven’t won my lottery yet. I know that what I WANT may not be what YOU want. But here today I come humbly seeking your divine~ yahoo~ help~! Thought I’m pretty sure every millisecond of this moment there’s million of SOS trying to page YOU.

I’m here today not seeking anything for myself but for a dear friend who is thousand miles away and currently in coma…fate unknown. You know Life is particularly challenging as we all have been in the position of having things going well, and then something happens like this to remind us of not only the value of life and treasures those around us.

Please God, please make it right and bestowed your miracle and blessing upon her. I hate to see her suffer the way she does and not have time to enjoy her 20's. I do not know if it is in her destiny or what not. If praying can do anything about that please take this one. Lord, Clara needs You. I'm sure You know.

Thank you God for your blessings and divine intervention. I’ll be a much much better person now onwards. Now please work your magic. Oh yea~ while You at it.. please throw in a few favours to those SOS seeker in this world. Thanks again.

My Heart, Your Home

Friday 20 June 2008

Longest wait~

I don't think a single day has gone by that I have not think of mon amour. Today after such long wait…I finally receives a long waited reply….I do not know what I should do or how to proper react…..there just this empty silence bitter void….

“Cher xSiNx,

Je suis le père de Clara et j'ai reçu votre lettre il y a quelques jours. Je suis très touché par votre attention pour elle et j'avoue que votre lettre m'a surpris.

Malheureusement Clara est toujours à l'hôpital, plus précisément dans le coma. Elle n'est donc pas capable de lire vos SMS, de recevoir vos appels ou même de venir en ligne sur internet.

Je ne connais malheureusement que le français, c'est pour cela qu'il m'a fallu un peu de temps pour comprendre et répondre à votre lettre.

Si vous le souhaitez vous pouvez me répondre à l'adresse e-mail que j'utilise à cet instant, c'est une des boîtes e-mail de Clara, vous n'aurez seulement à précisez dans l'objet si vous vous adressez à ma fille ou à moi, et j'ouvrirai ou non.

Je pense que Clara vous remercierai de cette inquiétude.

Mr. Laperdrix”

Thank you very much sir….

Thursday 19 June 2008

Manyak Air~

Today is a wet day oo..

It started off with…

Anyway BC came and pick me up~ *wanted to go dhap kuat~ but cancelled and went for fishing instead.

Yuyu ice with fried chicken thigh for lunch…yummy~

Crap it rained when we’re just about to fish…… let hope the fishes are hungry when the rain stop. Wasn’t a very catch good day…but definitely a funny fishing day…

There we were cursing away at our bad luck.. imagine no fish whatsoever for over and hour..*making joke about bad dough bait, new Ofmer rod bring bad luck, girls etc etc..

Just then as we busy prepping the dough bait ….BC’s rod took a dip…and the fish make a leap infront of us..and before he could lay his hand on the rod…. POP! His UglyStik took a plunged…along with the fish.. hahahaha….

It took 2 extra rod to hook BC tackle *one rod line snapped* to reel this baby in…..a whopping 4kg Rohu.

Tuesday 17 June 2008

Don't Snap!!

It’s been quite a while since…. Took out my dusty Daiwa rod and Okuma reel, gave wipe…Ok let’s go fishing..

The mind drifted away gazing upon the pond on a hot sunny evening…

Waaa an uninvited 3.5kg Rohu broke the evening silence…..

Monday 16 June 2008


Subang Lake

Was surveying the surrounding lake while took this.. miss old times oo… Those are the day when there’s less worries and trouble…

"I sit here, staring at this blank page
Not knowing what to type,
My head is screaming but my hands is silent,
Perhaps it’s all infatuation,
Of memories of yesteryears silently flash by,
Your absence is tormenting, in solitude I cry."

Saturday 14 June 2008


classic piece~

"I've heard the sigh from afar
it sounds to whisper an unforgotten name
whose shadow is it at the far end?
to watch the sun fading light
I am so out of control
pretending not to care about my sorrow
but my memory of you stays
to remind me that I am alone again.."

Wednesday 4 June 2008


June is full of surprises eh? With the new ruling which make it compulsory for rear seat passengers to use seat belts.... I’m sure a lot of people is unaware.. including me :x. My 1st reaction was.. wahh serious?? *Damm now I have to pull out all the rear belts that I stuffed beneath the seats… o0o* Why now of all time and not before? 10+ yrs ago when I was in OZ the rear seat belt ruling was already a norm there. Well now at least we have a good grace period of June till Sept to get used to wearing the rear safety belts, after which love letters would be issued :D

I remember those days when I was riding kapchai *Suzuki RGV 125 * a RM4 of petrol will overflow my fuel tank… Guess how times have changed. Since *family banned riding* I have been a proud owner of a twin carb 1.8 Nissan Bluebird *RIP*, a 20 Valve 4-throttle 1.6 EE90 Toyota *Spare toy car/currently in ECU* and currently a K3-VE Myvi. Looking back I must say though I never owned a supped up power car.. but I have serious fun spinning and going cruising as I wish over the years.. yea yea.. the local kutu malam who rayau the streets and states..

Effectively midnight tonight, The new price for petrol is RM2.70 a litre, *Wah Puiii!!* It almost…145%+ since I first pour my own petrol O.0! This could be the most expensive price hike yet at 40%. So go filled em up mate~! Hmm… maybe this is a good time to ask for my riding ban to be lifted~ hahaha~ :D

Having say all these, I can’t help to wonder for every increment in a litre of much is it going effect a glass of Teh O Ais Limau or Roti Canai??

Sunday 1 June 2008

千里之外 - 費玉清

It funny how a wonderful tale shared among two could changes with two different lead across distances and time. Human’s imaginative power is a real piece of work.. It swells accordingly to time/distance proportion!!.. lols..

沈默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛?

There can only be a one author and one narrator each time~ What would be outcome of the tale?