Friday 25 April 2008

Free Bird - Lynyrd Skynyrd

Today gonna be last day in "The store"....aye it's the annual store caring duty.. *bored as hell~* and this saturday.. trip up north on a island trip ^^.

helped a dear friend shifting belongings....Relationship may end.. but is it possible to draw a fine line between material and memories?
It is such in life that occasional parting is inevitable; probably why memories stay….to be remembered~ stay strong ya ^.^V

"If I leave here tomorrow, Would you still remember me?"

Monday 21 April 2008

Patience - TakeThat

In conjunction with World Earth Day, picked up 1 potted plant for a 1 foot stacked old newspapers at Starbucks yesterday…hope the plant dun crap out on me :x

What can one do if they yearned to hold and speak to someone who is miles apart and the only means of communication is breaking down? Instead of improving the dire went from bad to catastrophic. Instead of voicing out the inner voice in heart…one kept silence because they are afraid they other may find it complicated and couldn’t understand. Be strong my friend~ only times and patience will tell..

“Patience: an ability to endure waiting, delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset or to persevere calmly when faced with difficulties.”

Le temps me semble long sans toi....Tu me manques~
Prends soin de toi~

Thursday 17 April 2008

Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol

"You're like a dog chasing a car. You'll never catch it and you wouldn't know what to do with it if you did." - an infatuation perhaps?

Saturday 12 April 2008

Crazy - Gnarls Barkley

"You are the best. You are the worst. You are average. Your love is a part of you. You try to give it away because you cannot bear its radiance, but you cannot separate it from yourself. To understand your fellow humans, you must understand why you give them your love. You must realize that hate is but a crime-ridden subdivision of love. You must reclaim what you never lost. You must take leave of your sanity, and yet be fully responsible for your actions." -Gnarls Barkley

It's like returning to a place where you had had oblivious happiness, where memories still live, sweet but heavy with sleep - yet now, in revisiting, it's a sadness you feel.

Sunday 6 April 2008

Muse - Bliss

Tonight been a fairly interesting night~

“Once there was a girl (A) who love his man (B) very much and has ‘changed’ her over the years; they made plan even to get marry soon~ but due to circumstances (B) has to work abroad, over times (B) has pickup and learned a trait that all woman on earth fears……..

(A) found out and was truly heartbroken…slowly by slowly the feeling of love died along the ways; perhaps it fear of lonely or sense of responsibilities or maybe over the years of familiarities…that (A) did not voice out her detest and remain bitter in silence

On recent times (A) has get to known (C) and in short period of time has fallen deeply in loved with (C); the sense that she thought is lost but found again~. But what off her relation with (B)? She has still not officially ends her ties….

She’s in dilemma of telling (B) that everything is over.. and same time has not told (C) of her woes….(A) lacked courage to tell both since both are working abroad….One may only pray that she succeeded in what ever her decision maybe… “ – trinity of a Muse ; Voice, Occasion, Memory.

"A song that reminds of time when it was a bit simpler, a bit more of a pleasant state."

Rest well~

Friday 4 April 2008

Sivali Thera

What a day today~ was out morning putting a new “Faith” to test *a gift from uncle*
Apparently it work a lil charm.. not very sure either.. let see further in days to come.

Toward lunch.. shit~ I felt like got rob… *no thanks to HH! ninnabeh~ puii!!

Was planning to go for new release "Three Kingdoms: Resurrection Of The Dragon" daaammmm~ mood loss.. lose a 2 ticket + 1 popcorn set worth..

Hmm..something did happen again not too long.. a lil joke as example perhaps?

“A colleague had to visit the ladies’ lavatory but, upon entering a cubicle, found a rather disgusting toilet that hadn’t been flushed.
“Yuck!” She said, backed out hastily and used another cubicle.
Another lady came in while my friend was washing her hands. She entered the cubicle with the unpleasant toilet and also retreated rapidly.
My friend smiled. “I did that!!” she trilled.
It wasn’t until much later that she realized why the woman gave her a withering nasty look.”

From a 3rd person view sure funny as hell.. but to the person who experience such scenario or anything similiar...can be disastrous and heart shattering le..

Things were good eventually.. =)

Thursday 3 April 2008

One Missed Call~

Have you ever heard of the “One Missed Call’ Story??
It begins with a unknown numbers calling.. and one calling back to it~

Rings~ ring~
A : Ni Hao~wo si Mei Zhi, Ni yao guo lai wan ma? *Hie there~I’m Mei Zhi, Do you wish to come over and play??*
B : Ni zai na li? *where are you?*
A : Wo jai XXXX jiu tien *I’m at XXXX hotel*
B : Jai ji lou? Fang ji hao ma ne? *which floor? The room number?*
A: Er lou~ Er yao yao si fang~ *2nd floor, Room 2114~