Sunday 6 April 2008

Muse - Bliss

Tonight been a fairly interesting night~

“Once there was a girl (A) who love his man (B) very much and has ‘changed’ her over the years; they made plan even to get marry soon~ but due to circumstances (B) has to work abroad, over times (B) has pickup and learned a trait that all woman on earth fears……..

(A) found out and was truly heartbroken…slowly by slowly the feeling of love died along the ways; perhaps it fear of lonely or sense of responsibilities or maybe over the years of familiarities…that (A) did not voice out her detest and remain bitter in silence

On recent times (A) has get to known (C) and in short period of time has fallen deeply in loved with (C); the sense that she thought is lost but found again~. But what off her relation with (B)? She has still not officially ends her ties….

She’s in dilemma of telling (B) that everything is over.. and same time has not told (C) of her woes….(A) lacked courage to tell both since both are working abroad….One may only pray that she succeeded in what ever her decision maybe… “ – trinity of a Muse ; Voice, Occasion, Memory.

"A song that reminds of time when it was a bit simpler, a bit more of a pleasant state."

Rest well~


Anonymous said...

Love is no return. Love someone with your heart and soul.

If you love someone just let them happily.
Some thing you should let go you can not hold it tight,
some thing you should lovable you must hold it nice. :)

-=SiN=- said...

Ty my friend~ it's good to think positive everyday even when times are hard~