Sunday 31 May 2009


沒有承諾 卻被你抓得更緊
沒有了你 我的世界雨下個不停
我付出一生的時間 想要忘記你
但是回憶 回憶 回憶
從我心裡 跳出來 擁抱你

特別的愛 給特別的你
我的寂寞 逃不過你的眼睛
特別的愛 給特別的你

我還聽見 你的聲音
我還不能 接受分離

Monday 25 May 2009

Tua Setahun Lagi~

now that I am older~ I am ever determined to be cheerful and happy, in whatever situation I may be; for I have also learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances. (•̪●)

Tuesday 5 May 2009


"deliberate pursuit of the interests welfare of others"

Woo.. I'm ashamed that it’s been so long since I punch in here.. so much been happening that I just do not know where to begin…

Anyway a important note in my life.. apparently I was asked “u still waiting for my reply?” it took me a full 2 minutes to answer that….am I hesitating?

My answer was “Well.. it's pass due right? ”

2 year and 5 days isn’t really a long time, but many things has changed since then........I’m forever in your gratitude...