Monday 18 August 2008

改善 KAIZEN : Day 2

Wanted to write in, but too darn tired...finally I’ve managed to get No.5 cleaned. It has never been cleaned for past 6-7 years. For such a fine working space…over the years people has been dumping file, samples and other redundant equipment. The amounts of dust accumulated over the years are so bad that mask is need for health reason.

Was shock to find document dating 20+ yrs beneath the pile of documents, remember those ultra thick ledger books? Waste no time to dispose them off...

Holy Fuck! o.0

bandages anyone?? >.0!


The will to rise and expand are fundamental desires of all living being.. and when there is two or more wishing for it. Competition and conflict are born between them” Wanted to call this 2 days..but decided to, not sure if it appropriate to do so or not, instead sent a SMS asking how are things going on; giving a brief encouragement to both. *least I felt better that I didn’t complete my task half done*

Sunday, wee called saying that he need to buy some clothes for the job, he will be leaving on Monday for outstation *woo nice~!* I given myself thought and I do not know if I did the right thing by recommending wee for the job. It’s not easy for anyone who was fossilized in what they’re doing previously to suddenly accept a total changed of environment. But one thing is certain, I detected that wee is much happier nowadays, somewhat relaxed smiling more often….to be observed further.

Since the day is still long and I didn’t really have any plans, I decided to join my family for yet another movie outing. The movie we initially wanted to watch sold out; settled for a different movie which is showing an hour 45 mins later.

We kill time reading at the bookstore…“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.” ~Charles W. Eliot. *rather true don’t ya think?*

Maybe it because everyone is getting older and wiser.. my communication with my mum; in no means I can’t do so before but to do so in a higher level where thing is just different than they were before. In a way it’s better and bring all of us closer. There isn’t much time left for all who raise too eventually sees the sunset in life.

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