Monday 28 July 2008

7th day till present.

I once read an article about bloggers bashing their employer. It not that is really bad or evil but it’s best to keep it in a healthy check. In the world of yahoo! and other ‘search me up engine’ it fairly easy to trace a person. What if your boss or some high-up is somewhat of an IT savvy person sees it? It is best to follow the guideline “To maintain and uphold a person self esteem at all time” *chuckle~..SB’s starskill*

So how’s work? *been hearing this a lot* well for now it still a honeymoon period.. in a info selfish environment that is~. I got replies like below which I’m compelled to refute
“We been working with such capacity for years and we still doing great” – yes, have you imagine where you’ll be with better facilities and system?

“No one has posed such question or enquiry such data from me, even the previous ‘stuff’ – Oh really? Perhaps they are too smart I supposed~

“Be Kia Tio Boh Sing Perr *hokkien* – learn to fly before learned to walk” – fuuhhh.... thanks for the wonderful sarcasm… least now I know that there’s $10k+ worth of software; meant to make calculation and job easier that is paid but not used. The money should goes to my pocket for me to make better ‘flying contraption’.

This office stuff need rezone... bawhahahaha =.+!

Sunday funnies..

On the hill behind MPK…a failed ‘Hang Khui Pao Fatt *Cantonese* - Drain curb drifting…lmfao~ o.0!

Tu me manques enormement!.....sigh

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