Sunday 11 January 2009

11-1-2009 Aku Bosan!

Today is the 11th day of the year. And to date I have done nothing substantial, as usual I’m always financially broke; A) not because I’m spending insanely but since I got a extra hands to hold nowadays.. nothing seems enough. B) Omg Damm my pay is so looooow… C) A Big chunk goes to family.

Let’s see on the lighter side.. My one and only customer are kind enough to still give me something to do in this dire economy meltdown. I should buckle up to gained more potential client, which of course am no where near there. A brief calculation I need a rough 526 sales per customer on average before I reaped my 1st sales commis.. OK.. NOT TOO BAD.

Wish to write more but these days are just not really inspired to write in..

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