Saturday 29 November 2008

What a Setup!

8am: the alarm went off..*fark.. can’t get used to the new tone.. I’VE got to get back the “Lonely in Gorgeous”* snooze mode it.. 9 min of peace and peace and peace…..zzz

*distance ringing from an unknown number* Tiu!! Why so early 0.o! ok who is calling me wor??

Me : yea? *this couldn’t be good new~ *
Dad : Son….I’m in a big trouble….I’m soo hi…
Me : ?!!? *it was raining cows and elephant yesterday, got home round 3am..Dad is still not back then* Okay.. what happen and where are you??
Dad : last night I had a little to much to drink and I slept in the car by the road side, woke up this morning… my wallet , handset and car key are missing…bla bla bla *unclear direction of where he is, he is stuck in middle of the town actually* could you please bring the spare key and come meet me here.
Me :*wahlaoeh* harrr?? Ok la.. *Go on to tiu him..Karma man! It’s Karma~, but kinda relieve that Dad is OK!* I come now.. *knn there goes my 'Just In Time' for work*

WTF CIBAI! KLANG IS SOOO FOOK nowadays with ongoing construction of flyover..and the heavy downpour last night isn’t making it easier, what used to be a 5 min drives is taking over 40min!

So there I was driving toward my old man.. Wahkaoz~! Dad is standing smiling
happily with a huge bottle of Beer waving at me..siao liao la this fella kana rob and losses everything and still got mood to drink~ kanina..

Anyone wish to guess what are the first words when he greeted me?

Dad :Son..I’m hungry, let go someplace to eat first can ar?

*kanasai…zzzzz* we had Bah Kut Teh. Dad relays his ordeal of what happen last night,
how he had a good time drinking 21yrs old Royal Salute~. The Bah Kut Teh session is so good that before I knew it.. it’s time for a 2nd large bottle of beer~

We went home after meal to cancel all banking cards and get ready to replaces whatever that has been stolen. *So much for Punching Card On time !!* Dad sneak a bottle of brandy along the way. I thought he is like going to drink in some kopitiam after we done with important matters.

As I parked my car, Dad reaches out for my half finish mineral bottle and asked “I’m thirsty..drinkable gar?” before I could proper answer… he open the bottle of brandy and and start filling in the other half of the mineral bottle… Wahlao!! Chinese Tea!!! Wtf~

Of which he happily sipped the whole time in the police station, the transport dept, the phone provider and the bank. Just to end the day, Dad buaya the nice officer girl while waiting for his replacement card and loss report :-

Dad : Miss, this is my son~ he is 2x yrs old and he doesn’t have a gf~ and I think you’re much younger right?*sweat~*
Officer : Uh ur *I think she blush and nodded*

“wahlao damm siasui la.. Dad go on to QnA’s the poor girl. I heard enough and went out for a puff and come back after”

Dad : So’re from penang and you’re not a local here. Good! My son can show you around, it’s good that young people like you both can mingle around~ Why don’t you give my son a name card so he can call you sometimes…

*Siao liao lo.. 0.o! How many of us actually have our Dad picking up girl right in front our eyes and for us?? I swore that the girl is like so kena tangkap wey… She actually did as told, I’m too speechless to say anything and obligingly took the card and kept it in my wallet.

Dad :Son… why don’t you too give her you name card so she can remember you by. Thank you Miss ar, if I said anything wrong today please blame it on the liquor.

Apparently Dad told her of the mineral bottle content. *Dad have the tendencies to put people in such a difficult situation.. sweat~ sweat~* As we heads toward the car…

Dad :See it’s so easy to pickup girl… I think girl suit you la, fit your size..

*cibai.. wanna say me fat say la.. kanina~ go such a big round to kena me.. -.+!!

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