Wednesday 2 January 2008

New Year 2008!

I'm back! the trip been fairly intresting~ will update trip progress once I get enough sleep @.@! cover over thousands kilometres journey and severe lack of sleep really kill the body stamina. Will be updating photos once I get enough sleep!

oh oh~ Happy Belated New Year 2008 guys n girls!

My New Year Resolution
1: Work HARD!
2: Save Hard!
3: Play HARD!

Song lyrics | One Last Chance lyrics

Somehow a moment of extreme sadness sweeps by me bout 15 minutes before the countdown of 2008; I can’t call anyone *forget to on roaming :( * and was alone in the middle of the street with thousands and thousands of happy faces people, I felt lonely,the feeling like an outcast looking lost wondering around………

But all was good towards the end of a new beginning.


zewt said...

when you work hard... difficult to play hard... in malaysia.

Anonymous said...

depends which hard work :x